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The St. Croix International Waterway Commission (SCIWC) was created in 1986 when then Governor of Maine Joseph E. Brennan and Premier of New Brunswick Richard Hatfield together signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which gave formal recognition to the St. Croix International Waterway for its outstanding recreational and natural values.
The purpose and objectives of the SCIWC are outlined in this document and are as follows:
Protect and manage an increasingly valuable natural and recreational resource for current and future usage.
Encourage and maintain a high quality back country recreational and educational experience for users of the resource.
Encourage tourism, based on identified themes, with resultant economic benefits to the region.
Protect and promote awareness of human heritage resources including both Indian (First Nations) and early European.
Ensure coordination in the planning and management of a shared resource.
Establish the mechanisms and processes to be used to ensure fair representation of all user groups thereby minimizing conflicts.
To obtain optimal benefits from recreational and educational use of the resource while, recognizing the historic and current economic importance of the forest resource including its management and commercial utilization.
In 1987 the SCIWC was enshrined in both Maine and New Brunswick's legislation and began operating as a formal entity,
Formation Documents