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The St. Croix International Waterway Commission is an independent international commission that was officially formed in 1986 through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between then Governor of Maine and Premier of New Brunswick, as well as reciprocal legislative acts from Maine and New Brunswick in 1987 which fully enshrined the Commission and its powers.
The St. Croix International Waterway Commission works towards the goals and principles that were outlined in the 1986 MOU:
Protect and manage the natural and recreational resources of the Waterway.
Encourage and maintain the high quality back country resources of the Waterway.
Encourage local sustainable tourism initiatives involving the Waterway.
Protect and promote the awareness of the human heritage resources of the Waterway region.
Promote coordination in the management of the shared Waterway resources.
Ensure fair representation of all Waterway resource user groups to minimize conflicts.
Promote local education and recreational initiatives that align with traditional uses of the Waterway.
The Commission is governed by eight (8) commissioners who are appointed by the Governor of Maine and the Premier of New Brunswick respectively. Commissioners must live or be employed in the St. Croix watershed and must have a passion for the natural, historical and cultural resources of the St. Croix Waterway, the economy of the St. Croix region and the lifestyle of its residents. Co-chairs from each country are elected by the Commissioners to work closely alongside the Commission staff. Commissioners are not paid, and volunteer their time for the Commission.
The State of Maine and Province of New Brunswick each appoint a liaison who work closely with the Commission to interface between Commission staff and their respective governments.
The United States and Canadian federal governments also appoint a liaison who interfaces between Commission staff and their respective governments.
Due to the international nature of the Commission, it is incorporated under the laws and regulations of both countries. In the United States, the Commission is a registered 501 (c) 3 charitable organization. In Canada it is incorporated as a registered charity. This means that the Commission can issue tax deductible charitable contribution receipts for donations received in both countries. For more information about making a donation, please click here.
United States Commissioners
Richard Scribner (Co-Chair)
David Apgar
Madonna Soctomah
George "Bob" Wallace
Canadian Commissioners
Cleveland Allaby (Co-Chair)
George Guimond
Heather Richmond
Ross Stairs
Matthew Hamilton
Northern Regional State Park Manager
State of Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands
United States Federal Liaison
Lesley Wilbur
Crown Lands Planner
New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development
Noel D'entremont
SWNB Area Director
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada