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Support the St. Croix International Waterway Commission
The St. Croix International Waterway Commission is incorporated as a registered charity in Canada and a registered 501 c (3) charitable organization in the United States.
This means that we are able to accept donations and issue tax deductible charitable contribution receipts in both countries.
As a Commission policy, we only issue tax deductible contribution receipts for monetary or non-cash contributions equal to or exceeding $20.00.
Unrestricted Giving
This type of gift can be the most valuable to us because it allows us to allocate funds wherever the need is greatest. All gifts received will be considered “unrestricted gifts” unless specifically designated otherwise.
Directed Giving
When you make a directed gift you enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting a specific program or priority area that is personally meaningful to you.
Current programs/initiatives designated for specific donations are the following:
St. Croix Backcountry Fund
Involves maintenance, stewardship, improvements, and more to your favorite backcountry campsites, public access points, boat launches, portages, and more. Note that donations made in United States dollars will be earmarked for Maine recreational improvements, donations in Canadian dollars will be used on recreational improvements in New Brunswick.
Water Quality Program
We use donations made to this program for long term monitoring of the St. Croix watershed which helps us buy equipment, pay for laboratory analysis of samples, advocate for improving water quality throughout the watershed, and helps us advance our goals for improved water quality in the St. Croix drainage in both Maine and New Brunswick. Note that all donations are put towards a general fund that is not country specific. In a boundary watershed water quality is something that effects both countries, and associated improvements benefit both Maine and New Brunswick!
Fisheries Research Program
Donations are used for various fisheries projects ongoing in the St. Croix basin. This includes fish counting, fish tracking, and more.
Non-Cash Giving
We can also accept and issue tax deductible receipts for non-cash gifts of equipment, materials, stocks, securities, and more.
The compliance rules differ between Canada and the United States. If you are wishing to donate a non-cash gift, please give us a call or consult with your tax professional.