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The Chiputneticook Lakes region constitutes the headwaters of the international St. Croix River and includes some of the largest lakes in Maine and New Brunswick. Multi-day paddling excursions can be found by paddling North, East Grand, Mud, Spednic, and Palfrey Lakes. Publicly accessible water access campsites can be found on East Grand, Spednic, and Palfrey Lakes in both countries free of charge on a first-come first-served basis.

The upper St. Croix River offers a mix of calm flatwater and exciting class I-III rapids. Most trips begin either in Vanceboro, Maine, or St. Croix, New Brunswick, and depending upon desired length can end at access points at Little Falls Maine (1 day), Scott Brook/Gravel Island NB (1-2 days), Loon Bay Maine/NB (2-3 days), or Grand Falls NB/Kelleyland Maine (3-4 days).

Other Trips
Longer trips may begin on one of the Chiputneticook Lakes, and with small portages around dams at Forest City and Vanceboro, as well as a mandatory portage at Mud Lake Falls below Forest City will connect paddlers to the upper St. Croix River. From there, those who wish to undertake a larger journey can travel all the way to the sea by portaging around the Grand Falls and Woodland Dams, as well as some portages around Class IV+ rapids near Calais/St. Stephen.
Paddlers can also head West from the St. Croix River on Grand Falls Flowage through Princeton, Maine to the connecting waters of the West Branch St. Croix (lying entirely within the State of Maine), which includes the fabled Downeast Lakes region surrounding the Grand Lake Stream area. Portages into the Machias and Penobscot watersheds are possible from lakes found in this region.
The Baskahegan River Water Trail offers lovely flatwater paddling near the town of Danforth Maine, with the option to continue down the Mattamwamkeag river to the Penobscot River.
A journey down the McAdam Lakes in New Brunswick from possible put-ins at Modsley or Wauklahegan Lake will bring paddlers through several connecting lakes to the Diggity Stream which eventually winds its way into Spednic Lake. A mandatory portage exists at the outlet of Third Lake.

Public Access
Many public access points exist along the St. Croix International Waterway in both Maine and New Brunswick. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, some access points are on private land, and some accesses may be gated during "mud season" in the Spring. For questions about specific accesses, please contact us directly.